Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Black raspberry picking today, 8 quick quarts, and messy hands

Tomorrow is blueberry harvest, locals come and get em!!!!!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Browsing through the garden

Muggy overcast day, but still have a few blooms

One way ticket to insanity in the garden

If you want to go crazy, try chasing butterflies around the garden with a camera, what started out as simple task,can get rather time consuming and daunting. You can put on 5 miles just walking around your garden, trying to get them to stand still, and just when you thing your close to that great shot, the darn thing takes off for no announced reason, and flies 20 feet to another flower, today 2 hours invested butterflies 1, steve 0.