Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Saturday, December 18, 2010

on the way to the compost pile

Thursday, December 16, 2010

mini iris

What you see is what you get.

Its cloudy and 28 degrees here at snowbelt. I just wanted to take some time and let everyone know, the pictures you are viewing are right from my camera, there is no photo shop here, I am not a a fan of photo shopped pics of plants and flowers! Talk soon.......Steve

colors, colors, colors!

Seeds are starting to come in, heres some tomatos, I have had good luck ordering from Tomato fest

A conch shell I planted with hens and chicks. Its about a month old, will look good in our garden next year

A tray a mild micro greens, these are 7 days old.

18 quarts of Patriot blueberries on the way to the restaurant for pies and sauces.

First harvested potatos fall 2010

bubble gum

Yellows in my garden this year were strong

Iris insides.......Cool

These babies just showed up last spring, right in the middle of my lawn

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Japanese iris

3 birdhouses I made last summer, wood, stained glass

A couple of bird houses I made snowed in today.

One of 600 plus daylilies here at Snowbelt

Today at Snowbelt

Snowing and 20 Degrees.

Weather here has been up and down, we had some snow, then it rained, lost all but a small fraction of the snow, then it got cold again and we are getting more snow now, I really like and need snow, its a great insulator. We normally have several feet at least on the ground in the winter here. I feel its critical to help protect my Louisisna iris's and Japanese iris. After chores feeding chickens and hauling firewood, time to head inside.

We have been working on some micro greens, this is a test for us, we haven't been involved with them in the past, but their seems to be a demand for them, so we are giving them a try. Using Johnnys' Mild mix as well as their spicy mix. Matt, the chef I grow for, has also ask me to try some micro fennel to garnish plates with, so I will try a tray or two of them as well. I'll get pics up soon of the process I am using, and results soon.
Talk soon........Steve

I cannot get enough of purple in my gardens.

Looking deep into daylilies

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I like purple

Whats on the horizon at Snowbelt Farm

Its that time of year, the holidays seasons, but for the gardener its also time to think spring! I again this year will be ordering a ton of seeds. Mainly vegetables for the restaurant, and my farm stand, but flowers and perennials for our own gardens. I do not buy to awfully much local anymore, because to be quite honest there isn't much I don't have already. We plan to ad many tree peonies this year, I have a thing for them you know.

Tip of the day

Trying to pick from a company, there are many out there, that's going to give me the biggest healthiest plants has been hard to find. I am in zone 4, so I really like healthy, large as I can get for shipping plants. Its important to look in the catalog or on the companies web site to see what size plants they are shipping. If they don't post this information, I will not buy from that company. I do not really like plugs, for perennials, although I have worked with plenty, in my environment they take a long time to become large specimens.Plants have to be tough here and well established by the time old man winter comes barreling in.Its not uncommon to see 40 below zero here. Talk soon..... Steve

some mini's iris that is

Inside a daffadil

Spring visitors to our pond

Monday, December 13, 2010

6.6 acres of heaven

Hello, Steve here from Snowbeltfarm, its snowing and 27 Degrees. Welcome to my place, I hope you will feel like coming back often. We purchased this place about 10 years ago. A hay field with a beat up trailer. It was hard to see what its potential could be, but somehow I was stubborn. Thank God I was because I really like where it is now and whats in the farms future.

We now grow vegetables for restaurants, and local farmers markets, as well as flowers for cutting. We have a small orchard, two ponds, one for trout and one for koi. Berry bushes galore, and perennials gardens. Add to that chickens, a lab, a german shorthair, four children and its a busy place.

What I hope to do with this blog is to share it with others! So here we go..........its going to be a long ride.

Glads you say?


Yea I like JI's

Everybody likes it here

Tropical hibiscus VooDoo

This is our first unregistered daylily ' Adel", named for my late grandmother


Dinosaur egg found in the garden!


A little phlox

Morning glory

Koi pond

Welcome to our farm, We are the Pokines family