Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today at Snowbelt

Snowing and 20 Degrees.

Weather here has been up and down, we had some snow, then it rained, lost all but a small fraction of the snow, then it got cold again and we are getting more snow now, I really like and need snow, its a great insulator. We normally have several feet at least on the ground in the winter here. I feel its critical to help protect my Louisisna iris's and Japanese iris. After chores feeding chickens and hauling firewood, time to head inside.

We have been working on some micro greens, this is a test for us, we haven't been involved with them in the past, but their seems to be a demand for them, so we are giving them a try. Using Johnnys' Mild mix as well as their spicy mix. Matt, the chef I grow for, has also ask me to try some micro fennel to garnish plates with, so I will try a tray or two of them as well. I'll get pics up soon of the process I am using, and results soon.
Talk soon........Steve

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