Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hopefully the pics I have posted over the last week have been a little catch up time of the blooms this past season. Don't worry their are many more to come! I have been flicking through all my seed and nursery catalogs as they come in. Normally I make a list, it is usually a big one, $7000.00 or so, that usually gets cut down to a more realistic $2500-3000. Its hard cutting it down, but I must look at needs rather than wants. I do all my garden designs and future project planning in the winter. I very seldom complete this list as well as the above. My list is very vigorous and most people wouldn't get through it. But I hold myself to a higher standard. This years list will be to rebuild my barn, build a new farm stand out front, finish my gardens out to my ponds. Harrow the upper two acres and lower 2 acres, so I can plant alfalfa, for my future project, mini cattle. Finish the welcome garden, I started last fall. install new drip irrigation. Re dredge my left side pond, to make it deeper, Need more room for the koi, started with 21, and we now have over 200. Re stamat my garden walkways. this is a crush stone the compacts.
We are also going to put a living roof on our gazebo, instead of the lattice that's there now. There is probably more but, I can't remember right now. Talk soon............Steve

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