Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What got me interested in gardening?

When I was growing up, I used to live in Maine. On summer breaks, I would spend the summers with my grandfather. Grandpa grew everything, but was especially proud of his strawberries and tomatoes. Now that I think back, he was very passionate about his gardens. He would say, if I can't eat it, I don't grow it. You see grandpa grew up in the great depression, and realized how hard food was to come by in those days. So he only grew edibles. I didn't know at the time, but my grandpa was grooming a future gardener. I spent three simple summers with him, thought gardening was a ton of work, and wasn't as fond of it as he was.
   As time went buy, my grandpa passed, and I found myself doing little gardens where ever I lived, it wasn't until I moved here on snowbelt that I realized how much he had instilled in me his wisdom and passion for gardening. After 10 years here, I can honestly say, my grandpa would be proud, but would still mumble under his breath, you can't eat those flowers! .........Steve


  1. First time here to your blog. I assume the graphics are your art. They are clever. I also do art among other things on my blog. I did want to mention that the heavy condensed text is a bit hard to read. Much easier to read in the sidebar.

  2. The art I paid for. purchased from a clip art company.I agree with you on the hard to read point and I will change that. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, and thanks for stopping by......Steve

  3. I saw that you are an artist.
    I just assumed, sorry.It is still cute. Thanks for visiting my site too. I do a lot of drawing and painting, and have carved a few ducks. I am not real good at decoys though.
