Snowbelt Farm Welcomes You

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Whats on the horizon at Snowbelt Farm

Its that time of year, the holidays seasons, but for the gardener its also time to think spring! I again this year will be ordering a ton of seeds. Mainly vegetables for the restaurant, and my farm stand, but flowers and perennials for our own gardens. I do not buy to awfully much local anymore, because to be quite honest there isn't much I don't have already. We plan to ad many tree peonies this year, I have a thing for them you know.

Tip of the day

Trying to pick from a company, there are many out there, that's going to give me the biggest healthiest plants has been hard to find. I am in zone 4, so I really like healthy, large as I can get for shipping plants. Its important to look in the catalog or on the companies web site to see what size plants they are shipping. If they don't post this information, I will not buy from that company. I do not really like plugs, for perennials, although I have worked with plenty, in my environment they take a long time to become large specimens.Plants have to be tough here and well established by the time old man winter comes barreling in.Its not uncommon to see 40 below zero here. Talk soon..... Steve

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